Tag Archives: Evil



Right in the middle of the room,

He wore a ring; one of the four horsemen.

There was something different about him,

He was calm, too tall and too slim.

A bargain was on the table.

A soul for a soul was what the human demanded.

To the folly of the human,

Death was to be requested; not demanded.

Death rose from the table, high and above all.

Touched his ring, and everyone else came to a fall.

Walked out the room; dissatisfied,

Everyone else followed his stride.

Except one, who lay there, dead,

He had messed with the greatest of them all.






Escaping Purgatory

Deep in the layers of hell was purgatory,

A world which housed evil of all times.

And a devil above all the ordinary,

That could only be woken up by a chime.

An abomination was all it was,

Darker than evil, mourning every breath.

Killing without a stop was its only cause,

One just had to appreciate its stealth.

But I was human; I found a way,

To get past its witty ways all through the night.

Tiptoed my way as sleep kept it at bay,

Chimes rose as my body trembled with fright.

I slipped into hell well within time,

Before I drowned in a list of crimes.